South Pacific Education Centre

  3rd Child  

The 3rd child will be issue with 2 vouchers to the value of $20 for further deduction in the following term.



  • 3 hour courses for primary students;

  • 1.5 hour courses for Year 7 to Year 12 students

  4th Child  

The 4th child will be entitled to a further discount of $100.

so why not bring your 4th child in and claim the benefit?



  • 3 hours courses for primary;

  • 2.5 courses for Year 7 to Year 12 students.


  3 Terms  
  • 3 vouchers will be yours plus $40 off the total tuition fees.

  • you can save a further discount of $70.

   CONDITIONS: enroll in

  • 3 hours courses for prim.

  • 2.5 hours courses for H.S.

  4 Terms  - plan Long Term and Save  
  • 4 vouchers will be yours plus $100 off the total tuition fees.

  • you can save a further discount of $140.

   CONDITION: enroll in

  •     3 hours courses for primary



Q: How to get it ?


A: Follow these easy steps:

  • Enroll in a 3 hour course for Primary

  • Enroll in a 1.5 hour course for Yr. 7 - Yr. 12

  • Pay full tuition fees by 1 April,2006

  • Receive a $10 Voucher to claim next term


Be Quick to Enroll !
  • When you enroll by 1 April, 2006, you will receive the largest discount
  • Don't miss out $60 - $100 off !

  Multi-subjects Bonus  
  Q: Wish to receive even more bonus to save tuition fees ? & How ?  
  A: Enroll in more than one course:  
  For example:
  • Save $100 for Primary students to take a writing course
  • For Year11 and Year12, save $150 if you take 3 subjects; save $300 if you take 4 subjects

  Year 5/6 Scholarship  
  Q: Are you an O.C.student?  
  A: If "Yes !", you are entitled to scholarships for 5 terms to be trained for the selective tests.
  • No exam required!
  • Just present your O.C.I.D.
  • Half of the tuition fees paid to you until Term1, Year 6
  Scholarships to Selective H.S.Studnet  
  If you ae currently in a selective high school from Year 7 to Year 10, you are entitle to be awarded with on-going scholarships up to 40% off tuition fees for a few years.  
  Q: Is it difficult to claim the scholarship?

A: No! simply follow the guide:

  • Enroll in Term 2, 2006 by 1 April,2006
  • Show your I.D. as being a student of a selective high school (e.g. a school photo with your name)


Discount for Introducing a Friend

  Q: What benefit will I get if I introduce an interested friend to the Center ?  
  A: You will be rewarded with a bonus voucher for $10 to claim in the following term.  
  • Your friend must make a full-fee payment by 8 April, 2006
We strive to develop each child all-around and integrated. Combining interesting with education, we cultivate the children in physique, intelligence, morals, and aesthetics.
The staff of the school is experienced in teaching and management. Their working style is rigorous and exact. They are responsible while working and lenient to the students.
Centering on teaching, South Pacific Education Centre focus on the teaching quality of each class. Great innovations in the teaching structure of each class are made, and targets are set to guarantee the improvement of the efficiency of each class.

Mon-Fri: Suite 42, 2 O'Connell Street, Parramatta 2150

Sat: Parramatta Public School, Macquarie St(Cnr. Charles St)

